Monday, April 30, 2018

Birding with Brits

In February, I had the pleasure to take a couple of Brits birding in Arizona.  Being from the UK, they were enthused seeing just about any birds in Arizona.  It is always fun to show and share our native birds to people from across the big pond.  This gives me a chance to hit the road a bit in the wonderful birding state of Arizona.  Below are some of my favorite photos from these trips.

First set of photos came from a day trip to southeast Arizona including visits to Madera Canyon and Patagonia.  You can never go wrong in starting off a blog post with a male elegant Trogon.  

 Elegant Trogon

 Caught it with a snack it had captured. 

 Acorn Woodpecker - Male

 Painted Redstart

 Violet-crowned Hummingbird

White-nosed Coati - This was a nice surprise in Madera Canyon

Back in the Phoenix area, we made stops at several places including the Gilbert Water Ranch Preserve, Freestone Park, Zanjero Park, and Papago Park. Here is a sampling. 

 Black-crowned Night Heron - Juvenile

 Burrowing Owls

 Calliope Hummingbird

 Canvasback - Drake

 Cinnamon Teal - Drake

 Green Heron

 Hooded Mergansers

 Pied-billed Gebe

Pied-billed Grebe - with chicks

We also made a stop at the Desert Botanical Gardens with both gentlemen.  

 Gambel's Quail - Male

 Gila Woodpecker - Male

Rufous Hummingbird 

 Greater Roadrunner

  Greater Roadrunner

Rufous Hummingbird

 Rufous Hummingbird

A stop at the butterfly display at the Desert Botanical Gardens gave us a few Arizona native butterflies to enjoy as well.

 White Peacock

Great Southern White

It is always great to get out in nature and enjoy what this world has to offer.   

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