Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Costa Rica: The Hummingbirds of Monteverde

We visited 2 spots in Montverde that had hummingbird feeders for people to watch and enjoy the various hummingbirds.  The first spot we visited was the feeders at the cafe/coffee shop just outside of the entrance to the Monteverde Preserve.  The second spot we visited was the feeders at Selvatura which is another great birding spot near Monteverde.  However, this location also caters to tourists and zip-lining was probably one of the more popular activities they offered.  Some of the hummingbirds at Selvatura were very friendly and showed no fear on landing on your fingers while feeding at the feeders.  That in itself, is worth the visit.  

 Green-crowned Brilliant - Male

 Green-crowned Brilliant - Male

 Green-crowned Brilliant - Male

Green-crowned Brilliant - Female

 Lesser Violetear

 Purple-throated Mountain-gem - Juvenile

 Purple-throated Mountain-gem - Female

 Purple-throated Mountain-gem - Male

Purple-throated Mountain-gem - Male

Purple-throated Mountain-gem - Female

 Violet Saberwing

 Violet Saberwing

Violet Saberwing

 Coppery-headed Emerald

 Coppery-headed Emerald

Coppery-headed Emerald

 Green Thorntail - Female

Green Thorntail - Male

Green Hermit

The hummingbirds are definitely friendly!

Here are a couple of videos that show how friendly and trustworthy these hummers can be at the feeders.  Definitely a highlight in my life to have hummingbirds perched on my hands!  Unfortunately, the zipliners occasionally passed overhead at these feeders, so there is some unwanted and distracting zipping sounds in these videos.

Monteverde is definitely a place to put on your list if you have any plans to visit Costa Rica in the future.  I will have more, but different, hummingbirds coming up in some later posts from some places we visited elsewhere in Costa Rica.   

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