Sunday, August 26, 2012

Scott Reservoir, Pinetop-Lakeside, AZ

Another spot that I checked out on my trip to the White Mountains was Scott Reservoir.  This is a place that I visited in the early afternoon and the birding had started to wane a bit as is normal for that time of day.  I walked around the entire lake and got in some much needed exercise and found a few goodies that I enjoyed. 
There were at 3 Ospreys calling and soaring from all around the lake.  I am guessing that they consisted of a mated pair and possibly a young one from this year's hatch.  Most of the time they were high above the water, but as I approached the east side of the lake, they were flying closer and I was able to capture a couple of in-flight photos of one of them.  Their nest was easy to find once I got close to it.


Osprey nest


Woods around the lake contained many Western Bluebirds and most were juveniles and they look much different than the adults.  Not nearly as colorful, but handsome just as well.

Western Bluebird

Western Bluebird

When an Arizona Sister butterfly lands nearby, it is hard not to try for a couple of photos and that is just what happened.  Quite a beautiful butterfly in my humble opinion. 

Arizona Sister
While this place was not the birdiest place I visited, I think it really has the potential to have a lot more species at a different time of day and by exploring the wooded area at bit more. 

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